0Strazeal (solo coding)

Posted March 21st, 2019 in Games, Portfolio by Michiel

A digital strategy board game for 2 – 4 players.###
Capture your opponent’s bases while protecting all of your own using land, water and special weapons.


– Special weapons (undergrounds, traps, towers and chimneys)
– Defence upgrades (walls and floor upgrades)
– Water transport (boats and ships)
– Multiplayer (local and online)
– Advanced AI (Easy, Medium and Hard)
– Multiple maps with customization
– Graphic with game statistics

Technical details

This application has been developed in 2016 – 2019 using my own network, audio and graphics engines (C++).

More information

The game is available for Windows on Steam store Steam

Official website


1Paddle Punch (solo coding)

Posted January 2nd, 2016 in Apps, Games, Portfolio by Michiel

Use 4 paddles to keep the ball inside the window!###

Improve your score by keeping up longer while the ball accelerates and become number one.


– Real-time multiplayer (beta)
– Live online highscores
– Top 200 highscores on website
– Notification when defeated
– Save checkpoints

Technical details

This application has been developed in 2015 – 2016 using Java.

More information

The game is available for Android on Google Play store Google Play store

Official Website
